The DPS begins on page 18 and has approx. 600 words. This appeals to a younger target audience of 15-30 years old.

The writing is in four columns aligned to the left in a step formation with the headline spreading across one page, taking up around 1/8 of the page. There is a drop capital at the beginning of the main body of text.
The DPS is one continuous image with the main feature of the Kings of Leon taking up both pages, with three additional pictures in a collage in the bottom right corner of the right page. The Kings of Leon are a garage rock band, and is portrayed as such from the guitars and the drum set, as well as having lots of wires around the stage. The expressions show they are enjoying what they are doing, by smiling and seemingly talking to each other whilst playing None of the band are looking into the camera which breaks conventions.

The photo and text is well integrated from the red in the American flag and the headlines. Using the red headline makes it stand out and brings the readers attention to the text. Also, from the American flag there are semiotics as we can tell the band is American and are proud of their heritage. In the red text it uses exaggeration, 'self-imposed exile' making there hiatus seem more serious than the band simply taking a break. It shows that the band are very happy to be back together and did not enjoy the break they took, even though they thought it was necessary, shown by the fact it was 'self-imposed'. The font of the headline is in serif script.
How this affects my planning and research
I like the drop capital, as well the integration of the image and text, especially the red coverline.
A better piece of research here. Always consider how the page appeals to the specific TA and how representations are created. You should be writing about signs here - you have a flag! I would like to see your analysis much more securely in Level 3.