This DPS is from Mojo November 2012.
The writing in in one column aligned to the right with the headline spreading across one page and onto the next, taking up around a quarter of the page in bold print. There is a drop capital at the beginning of the main body of text.

The DPS is one continuous image from a concert with the main feature of the omega men taking up one whole page, and then the drum and drummer taking up around a half of the next page. It is a low angle wide shot, allowing text to be put on top of the image in the space on the right. The Omega Men are a rock/western band, and is portrayed as such from mix of hats and long beards with large drum sets and guitars. The expressions show they are enjoying what they are doing, by smiling and looking like they are dancing from where their legs are placed. None of the band are looking into the camera which breaks conventions.

The monochrome photo and text is well integrated as they are both white. The gold words bring a touch of colour to the DPS, making it seem to be a better quality. The font of the headline is in serif script in block capitals, with an effect on it to make the writing smudge slightly, making it look older as if in the old western classic films. This relates back to the genre of the band.
How this affects my planning and research
I like the drop capital, and how much the white on black text stands out. I also like the colour scheme with gold words bringing some colour to the page.
A proficient level 3 post - a much improved use of terminology here however, think about Dyer. They always create a star image to perform. I am sure they don't go shopping in Tesco looking like that!